一個國家擁有國家地位, 無論是基於《蒙特韋爾德公約》對國家的定義, 還是透過普遍的國際承認, 並不一定意味著它擁有成為聯合國會員國的資格。
例如, 巴以衝突和爭端尚未解決, 巴勒斯坦仍無法加入聯合國。
一個國家若要申請加入聯合國, 首先必須安全理事會中五個常任理事國皆無任何一個否決該申請案,
若有則該申請案將不會獲得進入安全理會表決議程, 然後於表決中還必須得到聯合國安理會15個成員國中至少9個成員國的核准(≧3/5)才能安排成為大會表決議案。
當然, 此申請案最後尚須穫得聯合國大會≧2/3多數票的支持才能加入聯合國。
Join The United Nations
country's possession of statehood, whether based on the Monteverde Convention's
definition of a state or through universal international recognition, does not
necessarily mean that it qualifies for membership in the United Nations. For
example, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and disputes have not yet been
resolved, and Palestine is still unable to join the United Nations.
country's application to join the United Nations must be approved by at least 9
of the 15 member states of the United Nations Security Council.
any of the five permanent members veto the application, the application will
not be approved. Of course, this case also requires the support of a 2/3
majority of the United Nations General Assembly.